My mother is a great gift giver. Birthdays as a kid were always solid and I could count on her for a handsome enough sweater or soccer cleats in my actual size, maybe a drawing pad. Every few years, something really grand like a trip to Disneyland. 

One year she was under the weather leading up to my birthday and let my father shop for me. Dad was more direct and asked me for a list. When the evening came, I unwrapped the mound of presents to discover that he got me nearly everything on the list. Amazing! But this was the list of a madman, or at least a 9 year old. Canisters of Pringles. A tub of Red Vines. Jumbo packages of E.L. Fudge cookies and Oreos and Fig Newtons. Kung Fu Shoes. A pile of lottery scratchers. 

Mom gave him a look. That was maybe the last time Dad was in charge of that.  Funny thing was, I thought it was the best. I kept everything squirreled away under my bed and ate like a king, decapitating Keebler elves at my leisure. My reign would be brief though, the ant army invading soon after.

TONIGHT: Thursday Night Flights! We got your list and heard your requests. Tonight is for you. We have stellar flights of crowd-pleasing varieties lined up! Indulge. No ants, we promise. White Flight: Sauvignon Blanc and Red Flight: Pinot Noir. Flights $12 from 4-8pm.

SATURDAY FLIGHTS: Syrah! French and American Syrah, Flights $15 from 3-6pm.

SUNDAY: Jura and Arbois Tasting. Blanc et Rouge. Flights $15 from 2-6pm

See you soon!
